False Eyelashes Tips

Crazy False Eyelashes Tips For Mascara You Will Be Crazy About!


Natural are perfect for everyday wear and as long as they’re applied correctly they are a great way to add volume to your look, giving you an understated beauty, while more extravagant lashes are ideal for your nights out on the town. But with so many ways to make a mess of the application and completely ruin the falsies you’ve just spent the past two hours ‘meticulously’ applying, our crazy for mascara will steer you in the right direction ensuring you the best results.

Ok, maybe we slightly exaggerated about how “crazy” these tips are, but here is one of the most important you will ever come across: not every false eyelash style and material allows for an extra coat of your favorite Maybeline Great Lash! With the emergence and rapid rise in popularity of luxury authentic mink eyelashes such as those by a brand Minki Lashes, you should think twice before coating these lavish beauties with mascara because soaking them in soap and water afterwards may speed up the loss of the curl. Sure it is not a big deal if you have a heated eyelash curler handy (no clamp curler with real mink, please!), and high quality mink strands should withstand the “torture”, but if you want to make them last through the promised 25 wears, go easy on the mascara!

Now, if you still insist on extra coating of your newly acquired swanky Minki’s (they do look super-natural so maybe you want to add more drama for your weekend glam…), one of the easiest ways to spoil them or any other pair of cheaper alternatives like Ardell’s or Red Cherry’s is to completely over-do the mascara and be left with what’s commonly known as a spider eye. When Kourtney Kardashian was sighted at her book signing in Santa Monica, from a distance she was the epitome of pretty, with her hair, nails, wardrobe, skin and makeup all looking naturally lovely. But on closer inspection you’d be forgiven for thinking that a pair of spiders were lazily crawling across her eyelids. To avoid making this mistake and terrifying arachnophobes everywhere, take heed of the second of our tips: never use clumpy mascara.

Ideally you should be replacing your mascara every three months, but if you’re reluctant to part with your favourite and expensive tube because the consistency is still good even though the application wand is sticky and clumpy, you can simply opt for purchasing a replacement wand. You’ll find that using disposable wands aka spoolies, which sell very cheaply online or at your local beauty store, will make all the difference. And if you are on a budget, you can also soak your existing wand in water with baking soda, which will act as a natural disinfectant, before rinsing thoroughly with water!

The third of our is merely common sense but it’s amazing how many of us just don’t do this: always clean your wand. Before you start the mascara application wipe the tip free of any clumps and then clean it with a small amount of eye makeup remover. Then once the tube is finished you can simply clean the wand with a mild hypoallergenic soap and water to remove clumpy bits, dry it and keep it as a replacement.

Though the ingredients in mascara are supposed to be safe to apply to your delicate eye area, because cosmetic ingredients are very poorly regulated in North America so there is lots of potential for short or long term skin or eye irritation and health problems, you should always thoroughly check them out and try a different brand if you note a questionable item. Hence, the #4 on our list of crazy for mascara is: if it contains thimerosal you should avoid it at all costs! Staying clear of this chemical preservative can prevent you from suffering a bout of conjunctivitis or eyelid dermatitis. We recommend changing to an organic mascara to see if it works better for you than your usual brand and the same goes for switching the eyelash adhesive you’re using if you experience any adverse and uncomfortable effects.

Using is the fifth of our tips. A good primer will build up your lashes by coating each one with minute fibers which bind together and cling to the lash, once you cover the primer with your usual mascara, your lashes should instantly appear thicker and longer.

And the last but by no means least of our can actually save your natural eyelashes from potential damage: always choose your eyelash curler in accordance with the type of you are using. Normally, you are advised to curl your own lashes before and after you apply falsies to help them blend with your own, and to never use a clamp type of curlers after applying mascara as it could potentially break the hardened lash surface. When wearing falsies made of synthetic fibers, skip heated curlers as heat and plastic make for an unhealthy combo, but when wearing real mink, use strictly a heated curler as it is generally safer for your natural eyelashes and can be used over mascara as well.

By including these few simple tips in your makeup regime you’ll instantly bring a touch of feminine glamour into your life without suffering any unwanted effects.


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