Paperself Peacock Eyelashes – Movie Inspired Hot New Trend?


Peacock EyelashesThis season stay one step ahead of the trend and elevate your look or your artistic photo shoot to new and mesmerizing heights by investing in some uniquely extravagant, animal inspired peacock eyelashes, made of paper! Paper lashes’ popularity skyrocketed with the release of the American science fiction adventure box office hit The Hunger Games in 2012, where the main female character Katniss wore unique eye-catching butterfly- shaped during the interview after the games.

Renowned for their unconventional use of paper the London-based design firm Paperself has taken the Eastern art of origami and the Chinese art of paper cutting and produced an intricate range of faux eyelashes. Their blending of traditional culture and contemporary design has effectively produced some that can be described as nothing short of spectacular and a creative makeup artist’s dream come true!

Each one of the eleven different styles of Paperself lash embodies a symbolic meaning, the represent good fortune and luck; the Clown brings happiness, the Horse means success, Peach Blossom is a symbols of love and romance and the Deer and Butterfly symbolize freedom, the latter were first brought to our attention when Effie Trinket donned them in The Hunger Games.

These unique and expressive falsies come in two sizes, inviting you to accentuate just the corners of your eyes with the smaller for a subtle daytime look, or make a bold statement with the full lashes for an extravagant nighttime look.

If you’re confident enough to don these extraordinary fairytale like Paperself eyelashes you may want to spend some time researching eye make up ideas as the last thing you want to do is diminish their striking effect. Using bright eye makeup is sure to successfully bring maximum impact to a theatrical look, while a metallic eyeshadow can be used to create a sparkling sultry smokey eye.

If you’re familiar with you should find the a breeze to handle. To apply these eyelashes, first line your upper lashes with a hypoallergenic or organic black eyeliner, then measure lash length and cut to size, apply lash glue and wait a few seconds for it to become tacky. Stick as close to the lashline as possible and allow to dry completely; gently adjust if they’re too curly, and you can stick any remaining lashes to the outer corners of your lower lash to get even more bang for your buck. When the bell tolls and it’s time for Cinderella to leave the ball and come back home to reality, these are easy to take off. They differ slightly from other brands of cheap in that their glue doesn’t need to be dissolved as the are very mild and this paper lash can be simply and gently peeled away.


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